2025 Legislation

I have introduced the following legislation during the 2025 General Assembly session:

Senate Resolution No. 23
BY  Zurier, DiMario, Vargas, Gu
ENTITLED, SENATE RESOLUTION CREATING A SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION TO STUDY AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR POTENTIAL CHANGES IN LEGISLATION/OVERSIGHT OF THE ACT ON CLIMATE (Creates a 5 member commission to provide recommendations for legislation changes and/or oversight for the Act on Climate, and would report back by May 1, 2026, and would expire on June 1, 2026.)
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture


Senate Bill No. 28
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION — PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION (Exempts from taxation the real and tangible personal property of the Providence Preservation Society as of September 1, 2025.)
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance
03/11/2025 Committee recommends passage
03/12/2025 Placed on Senate Calendar (03/20/2025)


Senate Bill No. 46
BY  Zurier, Kallman, Acosta, Ujifusa, Gu
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES — MOTOR FUEL TAX (Extends allocation of motor fuel tax to the Intermodal Surface Transportation Fund through 2025. Changes the allocation to 30% total proceeds, including 30% from the one cent per gallon environmental protection fee through 2026 and thereafter.)
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 47
BY  Zurier, DiPalma, DiMario, Sosnowski, Acosta
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES — MOTOR FUEL TAX (Adjusts the motor fuel tax for inflation every two (2) years based on the inflation that has occurred in the previous two (2) years.)
01/23/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 197
BY  Zurier, Ujifusa, Lauria, Sosnowski, Gallo, Lawson, Tikoian
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO INSURANCE — ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES (Prohibits an insurance company from imposing any cost-sharing requirements for any diagnostic or supplemental breast examinations.)
02/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Health and Human Services


Senate Bill No. 206
BY  Zurier, Euer, LaMountain, Raptakis, McKenney
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE — COURTS — JUDICIAL SELECTION (Requires individuals seeking a judicial nomination to reapply to JNC every 3 years and make those individuals selected as finalists, eligible only for the court in which they applied and were chosen during the five years following their selection.)
02/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
02/25/2025 Committee recommended measure be held for further study


Senate Bill No. 289
BY  Zurier, McKenney, Euer
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE — COURTS — JUDICIAL SELECTION (Sets a mandatory retirement age of 75 for all justices and magistrates of the superior, district, workers’ compensation, family and traffic tribunal courts and provide that no pension or retirement benefits be affected thereby.)
02/13/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
02/25/2025 Committee recommended measure be held for further study


Senate Bill No. 303
BY  Zurier, Euer, LaMountain, McKenney, Dimitri
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE — PROCEDURE GENERALLY — FEES (Increases fees paid to jurors to fifty dollars ($50.00) per day.)
02/13/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary
02/25/2025 Committee recommended measure be held for further study


Senate Bill No. 316
BY  Zurier, Pearson, Britto, de la Cruz, DiPalma
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT — RHODE ISLAND COMMERCE CORPORATION (Requires a seventy-five percent (75%) supermajority vote by the board of directors to establish a quorum and to approve any action taken by the commerce corporation.)
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce


Senate Bill No. 331
BY  Zurier, Acosta, Bell, Murray
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — THE EDUCATION EQUITY AND PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT (Requires the department of elementary and secondary education to propose, by October 1, 2025, funding alternatives to increase state aid for districts with high poverty, with recommendations on funding levels and their impacts.)
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 337
BY  Zurier, Murray, Raptakis
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION (Allows Ukrainian parolees residing in Rhode Island under the federal Uniting for Ukraine program, who have been granted temporary parole, to qualify for in-state tuition at Rhode Island state colleges and universities.)
02/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 407
BY  Zurier, DiMario, Euer, Kallman, Valverde
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY — THE RHODE ISLAND CLEAN HEAT STANDARD ACT (Created the Rhode Island clean heat standards act to implement a system of tradeable clean heat credits earned from the delivery of clean heat measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.)
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture


Senate Bill No. 569
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO ELECTIONS — CONDUCT OF ELECTION AND VOTING EQUIPMENT, AND SUPPLIES (Adds early voting to the fifty (50) feet buffer prohibitions against politicking on election day voting.)
02/26/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary


Senate Bill No. 602
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT — SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COUNCIL (Eliminates one of two (2) conflicting versions of the science and technology advisory council authorizing statute, clarifying the structure of the council.)
03/06/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce


Senate Bill No. 606
(Dept. of Health)
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY — VITAL RECORDS (Provides that public historical vital records maintained by the state archives shall not be amended.)
03/06/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Health and Human Services


Senate Bill No. 616
(Dept. of Administration)
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC PROPERTY AND WORKS — STATE PURCHASES (Defines public-private partnerships and provide the framework to encourage the use of public-private partnerships for proposals for state purchases.)
03/06/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 666
(General Treasurer)
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION — PERSONAL INCOME TAX (Provides a tax credit to individual taxpayers who convert their gas-powered vehicle into a vehicle propelled by an alternative fuel source.)
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance


Senate Bill No. 745
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — TEACHERS’ TENURE (Amends the teachers’ tenure act for Providence public school teachers and provides a process for the dismissal and demotion for teachers or other persons assigned full-time to the school.)
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor and Gaming


Senate Bill No. 746
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — FOUNDATION LEVEL SCHOOL SUPPORT (Changes salary minimum schedule for providence teachers.)
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor and Gaming


Senate Bill No. 747
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — TEACHERS’ TENURE (Allows the Providence public School district by reason of a substantial decrease of pupil population within its school system, to suspend teachers in numbers necessitated by the decrease in pupil population and provide a process for any suspensions.)
03/07/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor and Gaming
Senate Bill No. 767
BY  Zurier, Valverde, Euer
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO COMMERCIAL LAW–GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS — GENETIC INFORMATION PRIVACY ACT (Establishes the Genetic Information Privacy Act, which would require a direct-to-consumer genetic testing company, as defined, to provide a consumer with certain information regarding the company’s policies and procedures regarding use of genetic data.)
03/14/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce
Senate Bill No. 769
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS — AFFORDABLE CLEAN ENERGY SECURITY ACT (Mandates state and electric distribution companies develop proposals and encourage off shore wind power development and give priority in those projects to providing employment and business opportunities to workers from disadvantaged communities.)
03/14/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce
Senate Bill No. 860
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — THE PAUL W. CROWLEY RHODE ISLAND STUDENT INVESTMENT INITIATIVE (Allows the board of regents to appoint a receiver to manage a school district with the authority described in § 16-7.1-5.2 relating to state intervention in the Providence public school district.)
03/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Education
Senate Bill No. 861
BY  Zurier
ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION — THE PAUL W. CROWLEY RHODE ISLAND STUDENT INVESTMENT INITIATIVE (Allows when authorized by the board of regents, the commissioner to designate a receiver for the district with all the powers of the superintendent and school committee.)
03/21/2025 Introduced, referred to Senate Education